A disturbing incident unfolded in Oakfield, Wisconsin, on May 19, 2024, when a 12-year-old girl sought refuge at a local resident’s home after bravely escaping a horrific assault.
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office responded to a distress call, where they learned that the young girl had been bound and blindfolded by a man later identified as a 30-year-old illegal immigrant from Nicaragua according to ABC2.
The suspect, whose identity is still being determined due to multiple aliases, is facing potential charges including sexual assault of a child, false imprisonment, child human trafficking, failure to protect a child, and other serious offenses. It is alleged that the suspect paid the victim’s mother in exchange for spending time alone with the child.
Sheriff’s detectives have determined that the suspect entered the United States illegally from Mexico into Texas in October 2021. He was apprehended by US Customs and Border Protection agents, processed at a federal facility, and released with instructions to follow current federal immigration policy.
The victim’s mother has also been arrested for her involvement in the incident, and both suspects are currently in custody at the Fond du Lac County Jail. The juvenile victim and her siblings have been taken into protective custody by the Fond du Lac County Human Services.
Further details of the case will be released in a criminal complaint when the suspects are criminally charged.
This shocking incident has raised concerns about the safety of Wisconsin communities and the need for stronger border security measures. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and the swift response of law enforcement to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.
Blame obiden
Tie the mother and the perp together with baling wire and see how long they can float in the middle of Lake Michigan.
Turn your cams off and just shoot him! Saves everyone money and their lives! Especially if he gets a liberal judge, he’ll be set free!