On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ), led by Democrat Attorney General Josh Kaul, conducted a controversial raid on the home and office of conservative Wausau Mayor Doug Diny. This action follows Diny’s decision to move an unsecured absentee ballot drop box inside city hall.
Sources told The Federalist that law enforcement officials confiscated several electronic devices, including Diny’s and his wife’s cell phones, in connection with an ongoing investigation. A DOJ official confirmed that more information would be provided, but the agency has yet to return calls for comment. The raid has raised concerns over the growing politicization of the DOJ, as well as its aggressive approach to conservative figures.
Mayor Doug Diny of Wausau, WI moves unsecured ballot box, X
Diny’s removal of the drop box was based on concerns over its security. He placed it inside city hall, a decision that was reportedly made after Wausau City Clerk Kaitlyn Bernarde reinstalled the box without city council approval. In response, Marathon County’s Democratic District Attorney, Theresa Wetzsteon, launched an investigation, which likely influenced the raid.
The matter is further complicated by a recent Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling. In July, the court reversed a previous decision that had declared absentee drop boxes illegal. The 4-3 ruling allowed local governments to decide whether to use them. Some argue that local officials, like the city clerk, have the final say on election-related matters, while others assert that the move was politically motivated.
If he was worried about cheating and security, maybe he moved it for a place with more camera views?
For cryin’ out loud!! The attack on conservatives rages on. All he did was move it to a more secure location.! Democrats continue to encourage voter fraud!